Food EDU Logo

Building Capacity, Bridging Gaps

Food EDU is building the capacity of scientific communities, and bridging gaps between research innovation and educational opportunities worldwide. We take a unique approach to developing curricula, working with world-renowned experts to deliver trusted, cutting-edge science and engaging storytelling to advance human and planetary health.

  • Bridging Gaps

    Food EDU courses complement existing university and professional development offerings by filling critical curriculum gaps where advances in research and scientific discovery have outpaced more formal learning opportunities, including among learners in low and middle-income countries.

  • Building Literacy

    We translate cutting-edge research and complex scientific data to make it accessible across geographies, disciplines, and professions. Boosting scientific literacy helps with collaboration and speeds the application of innovation on critical food systems challenges.

  • Enabling Interaction

    We facilitate the exchange of ideas across disciplines and diverse knowledge systems. We elevate underrepresented voices and showcase community-engaged research initiatives.

  • Creating Partnerships

    We work closely with global partners across sectors to co-create curricula that strengthens the capacity and amplifies the impact of cutting-edge research initiatives.

Core Offerings

  1. Interdisciplinary Online Courses

    Food EDU provides asynchronous e-learning courses informed by data-driven solutions that address critical food system challenges.

  2. Good Food Fellows Program

    The Good Food Fellows program provides professional development training for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars, along with fellowships to support community-engaged research projects.

  3. Workshops and Webinars

    Live events feature discussions with subject matter experts, interactive skills-based trainings, and presentations on cutting-edge research.

  4. Global Networking Platform

    Our Food EDU Engagement Hub helps learners across the globe to connect through interdisciplinary dialog, team building, and research collaboration.

  5. Global Case Studies

    Case studies from around the world feature place-based initiatives, providing tangible and practical examples of how to improve human and planetary health.

Foodomics & Society Course Track

The inaugural course track for Food EDU, Foodomics & Society, orients current and emerging scientists, agricultural specialists, health professionals, and policymakers to the societal context and potential applications of foodomics, using a planetary health lens to reimagine ways of thinking, knowing, and doing to optimize the positive impact of foodomics for people and the planet. 

Foodomics is an emerging science that promises to rapidly expand available data on food composition and quality, offering new opportunities to know our food and explore connections between food, agriculture, nutrition, and the health of people and the planet.

This course is a bridge between the rigorous science and analytics underpinning foodomics and the societal context and systems-oriented approaches that are necessary to connect this exciting new frontier of research to people, policy, and practice to drive transformative, data-driven solutions. Our goal is to prepare learners to generate, utilize, and apply foodomics data to inform solutions for human and planetary health.

The long-term vision of Food EDU is to prepare a multi-sector workforce with the skills and knowledge to apply the data resulting from advanced, evidence-based science, technology, and innovations.

We anticipate building local scientific and technological infrastructure that will enable emerging scientists in low and middle-income countries to have more local job prospects and create the foundation for positive impact at local and national levels.

Distinct Food EDU course tracks will provide educational offerings designed to reach five key types of learners:

  1. Graduate students and early career specialists
  2. Nutrition and healthcare practitioners
  3. Agricultural producers and service providers
  4. Youth educators
  5. Policymakers

Organizational Structure

Food EDU was seeded as a PTFI capacity strengthening effort to advance human and planetary health using food composition tools and data. It has grown into a platform to integrate cutting-edge research and data science in food, agriculture, health, and nutrition for application and impact.

Food EDU is facilitated by the American Heart Association and the Alliance of Bioversity and CIAT as co-secretariats of the Periodic Table of Food Initiative.

American Heart Association logo
Alliance Bioversity & CIAT Logo

Food EDU Leadership

Selena Ahmed

Global Director, PTFI; Dean, Food EDU American Heart Association
Kevin Cody

Senior Program Manager
Jackie Bertoldo

Senior Curriculum & Product Manager
Gina Kennedy

Principal Scientist
Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT
Maya Rajasekharan

Director of Strategy Integration and Engagement
Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT

Curriculum Advisory Committee

Alejandro Cifuentes

Full Research Professor Laboratory of Foodomics, Institute of Food Science Research (CIAL) Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
Bruce German

Professor, Food Science & Technology
University of California, Davis
Tim Griffin

Associate Professor
Dean of Educational Affairs 
– ad interim Division Chair – Agriculture Food and Environment Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Tufts University
Carlos Faerron Guzman

Associate Professor at the University of Maryland Baltimore Graduate School, Director of the InterAmerican Center for Global Health in Costa Rica, and Senior Advisor of the Planetary Health Alliance at the Johns Hopkins University
Anna Lartey

Professor of Nutrition
University of Ghana, Ghana
Daphne Miller

Family Physician, Clinical Professor at the University of California San Francisco, and Research Scientist at the University of California Berkeley School of Public Health

Director, Crops for Nutrition and Health
Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT
Natalia Vazquez Manjarrez Photo

Staff Researcher Periodic Table of Food Initiative, Center of Excellence PI, 
Metabolic Diseases Research Unit, National Institute of Medical Science and Nutrition, Mexico

Contact us to learn more about education to nourish people and the planet.

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