Joe brings 30 years of research experience integrating genomics with breeding, in addition to extensive management experience, fund raising and overseeing large networks. As director of Crops for Nutrition and Health, he coordinates the genetic resources, biotechnology, bean, cassava, forages, and rice programs. Joe’s research involves integrating genomics with breeding, coordinating genome editing, and conduct gene discovery for abiotic and nutritional traits. He assisted the Colombian Biodiversity Humboldt Institute in setting up its molecular lab at CIAT. Joe was the CIAT focal point working with Howdy Bouis from IFPRI to set up the HarvestPlus biofortification program. He coordinated the biotechnology activities of HarvestPlus till 2019 and is currently a member of the HarvestPlus Program Advisory Committee. He is the co-founder of the Global Cassava Partnership (GCP-21). With Daniel Debouck, he initiated the establishment of Future Seeds, an innovation hub for conservation, digital genebank, and digital engagement and training. Joe is coordinating Future Seeds construction with completion by mid-2021. Joe holds a Ph.D. in Crop Sciences from Michigan State University and is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).